Bergen County Mom to Mom's Fan Box

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dick Cheney Is My Son

Any one who knows me knows that I am so left of center I think I'm a socialist. I would truly give over half my paycheck to taxes if it ensured that every child and person in need was insured. And I've always found it funny that many people who quote the bible line and verse, and bless themselves every Sunday, are the very same people who criticize our welfare system, are biased towards the religious beliefs of others, and would deny a person their opinion if it fell out of line with theirs. I often wonder what they thought Jesus meant when he said "feed the hungry, clothe the naked, help the poor, love thy neighbor as thyself."

Having said that, I try to raise my children with an awareness that they have a responsibility towards their neighbors--they must act always in kindness, fairness, and be good human beings who will bring comfort to those in need of comforting. I thought I was doing a good job instilling this into them until today.

Today my son Jack had two of his friends over for a playdate. Dressed in superhero costumes and armed with anything that they could use and turn into a sword they flew through the house--three masked crusaders. At one point my son had my unsuspecting daughter cornered when I heard him direct to his friends, "Come on, let's kill her. If we want peace in the world we have to kill all the bad guys." One of Jack's friends had the presence of mind to question him, "Hey Jack, how do I know she's a bad guy? Just because you tell me she's bad doesn't mean she is." (Bless you Sean!)
Jack replied, "Because I'm the ruler of the superheroes and I say she's a bad guy and you should just believe me. If we don't kill her, our empire will be doomed."
My daughter, who towers over all of them, grabbed the sword out of my son's hand and repeatedly smacked him with it until he retreated wounded to his room.

I probably should have stopped her, but someone had to beat the Cheney out of him!

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