Bergen County Mom to Mom's Fan Box

Friday, May 15, 2009

Toys that Men Love--The Flying Bat

I don't know how it happened, but somehow my son, Jack, talked my husband, Jim, into buying him a remote control flying bat. While buying me a new IPOD for Mother's Day at Radio Shack last week, Jack spied this bat and has done nothing but talk about it for a week. (FYI: What happened to my old IPOD? Jim decided to surprise me by throwing in a load of wash recently, and I was indeed surprised to find my IPOD spinning in the spin cycle. I have a bad habit of leaving things in my pockets, which is why I always check pockets when I do laundry.)

Anyway, Jack used one of his six-year-old superpowers to obtain the toy--The Power of Annoyance-- and it worked. Before the week was up, the flying bat was his. Honestly, I don't know who is having more fun with this damn bat--Jim or Jack. The dog is being traumatized by the bat's swooping and zooming up, down, and all around the house, and so am I.

On the list of "Annoying Toys" --I'd give this one a 10. It makes the same sound as a cicada which freaked both me and the dog out, and when it flies towards you, it's really creepy--it has glowing green eyes and cellophane wings that make the most eerie sound when they flap.

Now, no matter where I am in the house, I can hear those flapping wings and I know it's headed towards me. I also know that it's my husband manning the controls and aiming the bat at my head. I'll let him feel safe behind those controls for a little while longer...

So, if you're looking for a Father's Day gift that he's sure to love--head up to Radio Shack and get him a flying bat. Look at it this way--it will provide him with hours of endless amusement, and give you time to get things done.

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