Bergen County Mom to Mom's Fan Box

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Housewives of NJ Supper Show and Reunion, Pt.1

"If you're not familiar with the 'table flip' then you're not from New Jersey."
A quotable quotable from Christopher, Caroline's son. (Psst...Craft Lounge--can I also have that embroirdered on a tee-shirt???)

Just when I thought that all was back to bland on TV, I accidentally stumbled across Bravo's airing and dissection of the "Supper Show" from the finale of "Desperate Housewives of New Jersey". BRAVA, Bravo for taking a ten minute trainwreck and stretching it into an hour of armchair analysis and petty commentary. TV doesn't get much better than that--I was glued to the set. Then there was the quotable observation made by Theresa (aka, the 'table-flipper') about her table-flipping moment, "I think Joe was turned on by the table flip because we went home and got it on...I mean really got it on." (BTW the only thing I really get on when I get home is my pajamas, but I digress.)

Not only does Bravo throw all us fans a bone with "The Supper Show" they give us a two-parter reunion!!!! Tonight was part one and it was the perfect tease to get us to watch part two on Thursday (as if I'd miss it????) They start off with "the book" and the "table-flip" and slowly ease us into getting at the core of what ails those Jersey girls--from bitch-slap revelations (Danielle really slapped Caroline???) to Theresa only liking "cleansy" houses because dirty houses shkeeve (sp?) her, what more can a Jersey girl ask of the Jersey girls? And who knew that the "Big Reveal" would come from the host who admitted he was gay. Really? I mean really? Do you really think we didn't know? Two things a Jersey girl can sniff out--a sale and a gay man.

Half-way through the show my husband came in to get his (sweats) on and started his running commentary which was spoiling the experience of the show for me so I banished him from the room. He returned during the commercial break to tell me that my life is much more sexy and interesting and would make for a far more compelling reality show than the lives of these women. I asked him which wife he was talking about and could he please ask her to take a break from her sexiness and do a load of laundry every once in a while, or take the kids off my hands for an hour or two so I could go get a wax and stop looking like Chewbacca. He assured me he was talking about me. Now, I could use a lot of adjectives to explain my life and sexy isn't even in the top 100. Who does this poor man think he's married to? I may be desperate, and I may be a housewife, but even with Acadamy Award winning editing, my life could never rise to the level of insanity that the lives of these women do.
I had so much more to say in response, but the commercial break was over and he was once again banished from the room.

The coming attractions for part two (airs Thursday night) look great...tears, accusations, more tears, and anger...always seething anger. I can't wait! So stay tuned...I'm sure I'll have more to say on Thursday.


  1. Just so you know, when the reunion started, I was getting it on with a pint of Cherry Garcia.

    Also, why coudn't the gay host get it through his head that they are BUBIES not boobies. He should not be let over the George Washington Bridge again till he gets it right!

  2. Again.. watching and enjoying every brain dissolving moment of this freak show. Personally, I thought Theresa was hysterical. She doesn't make any apologies for her ditzy-ness, and if I had that cash, I wouldn't wat to live in a skeevy house either. I can't say I'd do what she did and build myself a faux French chateau with marble and onyx coming out the kazoo, but to each her own.

    couple observations:

    1. "it's just a figure of speech." Brilliant. Any time I feel like tossing off some racial/ethnic/homophobic/ whatever bit of bigotry, let me follow it up with the line - "it's just a figure of speech."

    2. They just keep me hanging with this behid the scenes stuff. What was the off camera fight b/t Caroline and Danielle?

    3. Dina's smart. She just keeps quiet.

    4. For a moment there, I thought jaqueline was going to deliver right there on the couch.

    Now, Ann, if you really want to indulge your inner 16 year old - watch the show that they're airing on Tuesdays - NYC Prep.

  3. Ann, I stumbled onto your blog piddling around today. (A guy spying on what the women are plotting I suppose!) I also blogged about this show a few months ago, especially since they apparently live in Franklin Lakes and I drive through there every day on my way to work.
